The important characteristics include time of ripening, internal quality, external appearance, fruit size and consistent yields.
Tommy Atkins
Tommy Atkins mango is mildly sweet flavoured and is medium to large with an oval or diamond shape. It originated in Florida with primary sourced countries like Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru. It’s texture is firm due to fibers throughout the fruit. A dark red blush often covers much of the fruit with green and orange-yellow accents.
Keitts are popular in Asian cultures, where they are enjoyed in its mature-green stage or even as pickles. The flavour is sweet and fruity. Keitt is large and oval in shape and is primarily produced in countries like Mexico, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Puerto Rico.
Lady Jane
This cultivar originated in Australia. The unripened fruit has a red or green colour that turns rich orange on ripening. The flesh is a rich apricot colour, very fine with no fibre. This variety has a very good shelf life.
Heidi is a large sized mango with a yellow and red colour. It has a succulent flesh with a unique flavour. The shape resembles a heart.