Grapefruit originated in Barbados as an accidental cross between the sweet orange and pomelo. When discovered, it was named the ‘forbidden fruit’. The common name comes from Jamaica, where locals referred to the way the fruit grew in clusters like grapes. Tart and tangy with an underlying sweetness, grapefruit has a juiciness that is opposite to an orange. It is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, dietary fibre and lycopene, a carotenoid phytonutrient, and therefore has many health benefits.
Star Ruby
The Komati Fruit Group takes great pride in being one of the largest producers of Star Ruby grapefruit, which constitutes the majority of our grapefruit harvest. Star Ruby sets the industry standard for grapefruit in terms of colour, flavour, and aroma. This fruit is visually appealing, featuring a red blush on a smooth yellow rind. The segmented flesh is vibrant, with a rich ruby hue, high juiciness, and minimal to no seeds.
The sought after Jackson variety is locally marketed as “HoneyGold” and internationally known as “Sweet Sunrise”.
This unique sweet grapefruit is exclusively cultivated and promoted by the Komati Fruit Group, representing the latest breakthrough in grapefruit innovation – a type of magic grapefruit. The Jackson grapefruit is typically medium to small in size and contains few seeds. Its smooth skin has a white to light-brown interior that is exceptionally juicy, offering a refreshing “fruit-punch” flavour. This grapefruit can be easily peeled like a navel orange and enjoyed without leaving any bitter taste.
Rosé is a pink-fleshed grapefruit with some blush to the peel. It’s thin-skinned with excellent flavour and contain masses of juice. Also known as Ruby Red, Tropical Ruby or Redblush.
White Marsh
White Marsh is the oldest variety of grapefruit. It has the perfect sweet – acidity balance and has yellow-white flesh and yellow skin. Another Marsh grapefruits is the pink Marsh.