
The Komati Fruit Group places a strong emphasis on sustainable agriculture, diligently promoting environmentally friendly entomological practices. This commitment is realized through the implementation of a comprehensive integrated pest and disease management program. While our primary goal is to adhere to practices with minimal environmental impact, there are occasions when it becomes necessary to employ chemical methods to manage Phytosanitary pests and diseases. However, even in such cases, we take great care to minimize harm to the surrounding ecosystems.

The Group utilizes timely applications of specific and systemic chemicals, which have a more precise targeting approach, affecting only the targeted pests while allowing natural enemies to survive and maintain balanced populations. Additionally, augmentative release of beneficial insects, such as parasitoids and predators, are employed for controlling citrus mealybug and other pests. Naturally occurring beneficial insects found in orchards include Leptomastix dactylopii and Chrysoperla carnea. As the harvesting season approaches, the Komati Fruit Group increasingly relies on beneficial insects for mealybug and red scale control in an effort to adhere to Maximum Residue Level (MRL) restrictions on chemical usage.

Emphasis is placed on prioritizing the use of natural products derived from plant extracts and targeted virus-based sprays.

Irrigation and Soil

Irrigation is conducted in accordance with the specific requirements of the trees and soil, with the primary objective of preventing anaerobic soil and water conditions. This process considers various factors, including soil type, rootstock, and the specific fruit variety being cultivated. The Komati Fruit Group places a strong emphasis on responsible water usage, achieved through thorough land preparation and the utilisation of state-of-the-art irrigation technology.

In pursuit of sustainability, the group consistently assess soil chemistry and employs organic materials to enhance soil carbon content. Furthermore, organic residues are intentionally left within the orchards, serving the dual purpose of reducing soil temperatures and fostering essential metabolic processes within the soil.

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